An Evaluation of the Health Ageing and Retirement Project (PARI): Phase 1
Is it possible to Use Administrative Data to Identify Risks for Vulnerable Elders?
Sirven N. (LIRAES (EA 4470), Université Paris Descartes, and IRDES)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 224. 2017/03
Frailty, polypharmacy, and potentially inappropriate medications in old people: findings in a representative sample of the French population.
Herr M., Sirven N., Grondin H., Pichetti S., Sermet C., European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, In line: 11/06/2017, 1 -8.
On site
Ageing, Frailty and Health Care Expenditures
Sirven N. (Liraes (EA 4470) Université Paris Descartes, Irdes), in collaboration with Rapp T. (Liraes (EA 4470) Université Paris Descartes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 216. 2016/03.
Active Ageing beyond the Labour Market: Evidence on the Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards at Work
Pollak C., Sirven N., Review of Social Economy, April 2016, 1-27.
On tandfonline site
Older Adults' Satisfaction with Medical Care Coordination: A Qualitative Approach
Guillaume S. (Irdes) and Or Z. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 214. 2016/01.
Measuring Polypharmacy in the Elderly: Impact of the Method on Prevalence and Therapeutic Classes
Le Cossec C. (Irdes), Sermet C. (Irdes), in collaboration with Perronnin M. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 213. 2015/10.
Social Participation and Health: A Cross-Country Investigation among Older Europeans.
Sirven N., Berchet C., Litwin H. In Social capital as a health resource in later life: the relevance of context, Nyqvist F., Forsman A.K. (Eds), International Perspectives on Aging, vol 11, 2015, 177-190.
On springer site
Polypharmacy: definitions, measurement and stakes involved Review of the literature and measurement tests
Monégat M. (Irdes), Sermet C. (Irdes) In collaboration with Perronnin M. (Irdes) and Rococo E. (Institut Gustave Roussy-IGR)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 204. 2014/12.
Index of the first 200 issues of Questions d'économie de la santé
January 1998 – July-August 2014
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) hors série. 2014/09.
The Impact of Multi-professional Group Practices on Healthcare Supply
Evaluation Aims and Methods for "Maisons", "Pôles de Santé" and "Centres de Santé" within the Framework of Experiments with New Mechanisms of Remuneration
Afrite A., Bourgueil Y., Daniel F., Mousquès J. (Irdes) in collaboration with Couralet P.-E. and Chevillard G. (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Laboratoire Mosaïques, UMR Lavue 7218, CNRS; Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 189. 2013/07-08.
On the Socio-Economic Determinants of Frailty: Findings from Panel and Retrospective Data from SHARE
Sirven N. (Irdes)
Working paper n° 52. 2012/12
Management of the care process.
Garms-Homolovà V., Genet N., Hutchinson A., Naiditch M. et al. In Home care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M. et al. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 27. Copenhague : OMS Bureau régional de l'Europe, 2012, 71-104.
On EuroWho site
Clients in focus.
Garms-Homolovà V., Naiditch M., Fagerström C. et al. In Home care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M. et al. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 27. Copenhague : OMS Bureau régional de l'Europe, 2012, 55-70.
On EuroWho site
The effect of public subsidies for formal care on the care provision for disable elderly people in France.
Fontaine R. Economie Publique, 2012/1-2, n° 28-29, 271-304.
(Catégorie 4 - CNRS) - (Cat. C - Hcérès)
On Economie publique site
Social capital and health of older Europeans : Causal pathways and health inequalities.
Sirven N., Debrand T., Social Science & Medicine, vol 75, n°7, 2012/10, 1288–1295.
(Catégorie 1 - CNRS) - (Cat. A - Hcérès)
On Sciences direct site
Active Ageing Beyond the Labour Market: Evidence on Work Environment Motivations
Pollak C. (Irdes, Paris School of Economics, Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - Université Paris 1), Sirven N. (Irdes)
Working paper n° 48. 2012/05
Protecting an Endangered Resource?
Lessons from a European Cross-Country Comparison of Support Policies for Informal Carers of Elderly Dependent Persons
Naiditch M. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 176. 2012/05.
Cross-Country Performance in Social Integration of Older Migrants. A European Perspective
Berchet C. (LEDa-LEGOS-Université Paris-Dauphine, Irdes), Sirven N. (Irdes)
Working paper n° 46. 2012/03
Employed and Happy despite Weak Health?
Labour Market Participation and Job Quality of Older Workers with Disabilities
Pollak C. (Irdes)
Working paper n° 45. 2012/03
The Effects of Welfare State Intervention on the Living Condition of Europeans Aged 50 and Over
First Results of SHARELIFE on Life Histories
Briant N., Lenormand M.-C., Sirven N.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 168. 2011/09.
Relationship between Perceived Labour Market Rewards and the Health of Senior Workers
Lengagne P.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 166. 2011/06
Disparities in Regular Health Care Utilisation in Europe.
Sirven N., Or Z., In : The Individual and the Welfare State. Life Histories in Europe. Borsch-Supan A., Brandt M., Hank K., Schroder M. (Eds). Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2011, 241-254.
On SpringerLink site
Disability and social security reforms: The French case.
Behaghel L., Blanchet D., Debrand T., Roger M., NBER Working Paper n° 17055. Cambridge : NBER, 2011/05, 33 p.
On NBER site
Disability and social security reforms: The French case.
Behaghel L., Blanchet D., Debrand T., Roger M., Working paper n° 2011 – 02. Paris : PSE, 2011/01, 32 p.
On Archives-ouvertes site
Social Capital and Health of Older Europeans
Sirven N., Debrand T. (Irdes)
Document de travail n° 40. 2011/02
Disability and Social Security Reforms: The French Case
Behaghel L. (Paris School of Economics, Inra), Blanchet D. (Insee-D3E),
Debrand T. (Irdes), Roger M. (Paris School of Economics, Inra, Insee-D3E)
Document de travail n° 38. 2011/02
The Health of Older Workers in Europe: Results of SHARE 2006
Lenormand M.-C., Sermet C., Sirven N.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 160. 2010/12
Inequality of Opportunities in Health in Europe: Why So Much Difference Across Countries?
Jusot F., Tubeuf S., Trannoy A.. Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers, n° 10/26, HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York, 2010/10, 20 pages.
On York University site
Pathways to Retirement in Europe: Individual Determinants and the Role of Social Protection
Debrand T., Sirven N.
Issues In Health Economics Irdes (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 148. 2009/11
What are the Motivations of Pathways to Retirement in Europe: Individual, Familial, Professional Situation or Social Protection Systems?
Debrand T., Sirven N.
Working paper n° 28. 2009/10
Inequality of Opportunities in Health in France: A first pass, Trannoy A., Tubeuf S., Jusot F., Devaux M., Health Economics, 2009/07/08
On Wiley Interscience site
Self-Assessed Health of Individuals Aged 55 and over in France and Québec: Differences and Similarities.
Camirand J. (ISQ), Sermet C. (Irdes) , Dumitru V. (ISQ), Guillaume S. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 142. 2009/05
SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe goes longitudinal - Data from wave 2 is now available.
Barangé C., Eudier V., Sirven N.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 137. 2008/12
Inequality of opportunities in health in France. Trannoy A., Tubeuf S., Jusot F., Devaux M., Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers, n° 08/24, HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York, 2008/10.
On the University of York site
Home care in Europe - The solid facts, avec la participation de Com-Ruelle L., Naiditch M., Edité par Rosanna Tarricone and Agis D. Tsouros. Copenhague : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2008. 46 pages
On WHO site
Social participation and healthy ageing : An international comparison using SHARE data. Sirven N., Debrand T., Social Science & Medicine, vol 67, n° 12, 2008/12, 2017-2026.
The sooner, the better? Analyzing preferences for early retirement in European countries.
Debrand T. (Irdes), Blanchet D. (Insee)
Working paper n° 13, 2008/07
Working Conditions and Health of European Older Workers.
Debrand T., Lengagne P.
Working paper n° 8, 2008/02
Promoting Social Participation for Healthy Ageing.
Sirven N., Debrand T.
Working paper n° 7, 2008/01
Complementary health cover changes at retirement time - Analysis of retirees' switching behaviour.
Franc C., Perronnin M., Pierre A.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 126. 2007/10
Health working life expectancies at age 50 in Europe : a new indicator, Lièvre A., Jusot F., Barnay T., Sermet C., Brouard N., Robine J.M., Brieu M.A., Forette F., The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, vol 11, n° 6, 2007
On JNHA site
Retirement intentions, health and satisfaction at work:a European comparison.
Blanchet D., Debrand T.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 103. 2005/12
The Health of Older Parisians. Lucas-Gabrielli V., Pépin P., Tonnellier F. In : Growing Older in World Cities, New-York, London, Paris and Tokyo, Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2006/02, 252-267.