PE n° 2060

Smoking among immigrant groups in metropolitan France: prevalence levels, male-to-female ratios and educational gradients.
Khlat M., Bricard D., Legleye S. BMC Public Health, vol 18: 479, 1-9, 2018/04.
 BMC Public Health 


Social determinants of overweight among immigrants in Spain and France.
Dourgnon P., Moullan Y., The IMI Working Papers Series 116, University of Oxford: International Migration Institute, 10/07/2015, 49 p.
On imi site


Refugees in and out North Africa: a study of the Choucha refugee camp in Tunisia.
Kassar H., Dourgnon P., European Journal of Public Health, vol 24, suppl 1. 2014/08, 6-10.
(Catégorie 3 - CNRS) - (Cat. B - Hcérès)
On Oxford Journals site


The big crossing: illegal boat migrants in the Mediterranean.
Kassar H., Dourgnon P., European Journal of Public Health, vol 24, suppl 1. 2014/08, 11-15.
(Catégorie 3 - CNRS) - (Cat. B - Hcérès)
On Oxford Journals site


Why is the ‘healthy immigrant effect' different between European countries?
Moullan Y., Jusot F., European Journal of Public Health, vol 24, suppl 1. 2014/08, 80-86.
(Catégorie 3 - CNRS) - (Cat. B - Hcérès)
On Oxford Journals site

Immigrants' Health Status and Use of Healthcare Services: A Review of French Research
Berchet C., Jusot F. (Leda-Legos, Paris-Dauphine University ; Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 172. 2012/01.

Immigrants' Use of Office-Based Healthcare in France.
Dourgnon P., Jusot F., Sermet C., Silva J.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 146. 2009/09

Self Assessed Health of Immigrants in France - Analysis of the 2002-03 Decennial Health Survey.
Dourgnon P., Jusot F., Sermet C., Silva J.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 133. 2008/07.