QES n° 261

Renewing Public Policy on Healthcare: Experimenting With Healthcare Organisations Under Article 51 Scheme.
Morize N. (IRDES, Centre for the Sociology of Organisations, a research unit of Sciences Po), Bourgeois I. (IRDES, Icone Médiation santé), Fournier C. (IRDES)

QES n° 228

The Heterogeneity of Hospitalisation Admission for Depression is Linked to Prior Healthcare.
Nestrigue C., Coldefy M., Mousquès J. (IRDES) In collaboration with Daniel F. (ISPED, IRDES), Younès N. (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, IRDES)


Strategies and Governance to Reduce Health Inequalities : Evidences from a Cross-European Survey.
Barsanti S., Salmi L.-R., Bourgueil Y., Daponte A., Pinzal E., Ménival S. Global Health Research and Policy, 2 (18), 2017: 3-11.
On biomedcentral site

Use of Outpatient Care and Distances Travelled by Patients: Significant Differences in Regional Access to Healthcare
Com-Ruelle L., Lucas-Gabrielli V., Pierre A. (Irdes), In collaboration with Coldefy M. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 219. 2016/06


Gatekeeping and the utilization of physician services in France: Evidence on the Médecin traitant reform.
Dumontet M., Buchmueller T., Dourgnon P., Jusot F., Wittwer J. , Health Policy, vol 121, Issue 6, 2017/06, 675-682.
(Catégorie 2 - CNRS 2016/05) - (Cat. A - Hcérès 2017/01)
On healthpolicyjrnl site


Optimizing Comparisons of PHC Systems: An Example Comparing Switzerland and France with a Standard Monitoring Tool.
Giller B., Cartier T., Ebert S.T., Bourgueil Y., Cornuz J., Senn N. Praxis : Revue suisse de la médecine, 106 (7), 2017: 373-379.
On hogrefe site


Geographical Disparities in Prescription Practices of Lithium and Clozapine: a Community-based Study.
Verdoux H., Pambrun E., Cortaredona S., Coldefy M., Le Neindre C., Tournier M., Verger P., Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, vol 133, 6, June 2016, 470-480.
On onlinelibrary site

Older Adults' Satisfaction with Medical Care Coordination: A Qualitative Approach
Guillaume S. (Irdes) and Or Z. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 214. 2016/01.


Interventions addressing health inequalities in European regions: the AIR project.
Salmi L.R., Barsanti S., Bourgueil Y., Daponte A., Piznal E., Ménival S., Health Promotion International, on line le 26/10/2015, vol 32, n° 3, 2017/06, 430-441.
On oxfordjournal site


Medical Practice Variations in Mental Health and Addictions Care.
Lin E., Or Z., Coldefy M., Urbanoski K., Seitz D., Carlisle C., Szatmari P., Kurdyak P. In Medical Practice Variations, Johnson A., Stukel T. (Eds), Health Services Research (Coll.), New York : Springer-Verlag, on line, 2015/07, 1-41.
On springer link site

The Impact of Multiprofessional Group Practices on the Quality of General Practice
Results of the Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Group Practices (MGP), Health Care Networks (HCN) and Health Care Centers (HCC) Participating in Experiments with New Modes of Remuneration (ENMR)

Mousquès J. (Irdes), in collaboration with Daniel F. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 211. 2015/07-08.

Multiprofessional Group Practices Generate Gains in Terms of Productivity and Expenditures
Results of the Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Group Practices (MGP), Health Care Networks (HCN) and Health Care Centers (HCC) Participating in Experiments with New Modes of Remuneration (ENMR)

Mousquès J. (Irdes), in collaboration with Daniel F. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 210. 2015/06.


Cartier T., Ryssaert L., Bourgueil Y., In Building primary care in a changing Europe – Case studies, Kringos D.S. , Boerma W.G.W., Hutchinson A., Saltman R.B. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 40. Copenhague : Office des Publications du Bureau Régional de l'Europe, 2015/05, Chapter 2, 9-17
On euro.who site


Cartier T., Bourgueil Y., In Building primary care in a changing Europe – Case studies,
Kringos D.S. , Boerma W.G.W., Hutchinson A., Saltman R.B. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 40. Copenhague : Office des Publications du Bureau Régional de l'Europe, 2015/05, Chapter 9, 77-87
On euro.who site


Cartier T., Senn N., Cornuz J., Bourgueil Y., In Building primary care in a changing Europe – Case studies, Kringos D.S. , Boerma W.G.W., Hutchinson A., Saltman R.B. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 40. Copenhague : Office des Publications du Bureau Régional de l'Europe, 2015/05, Chapter 29, 275-283
On euro.who site

Forms of primary care teams
A typology of multidisciplinary group practices, health care networks and health care centers participating in the Experiments of New Mechanisms of Remuneration (ENMR)

Afrite A., Mousquès J. (Irdes)
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 201. 2014/09.


Sustaining Universal Health Coverage in France: A Perpetual Challenge.
Barroy H., Or Z., Kumar A., Bernstein D. Health, nutrition, and population (HNP) discussion paper ; 91323. Washington, DC : World Bank Group, 2014/06, 50 p.
On The World Bank site


Criteria for implementing interventions to reduce health inequalities in primary care settings in European regions
Daponte A., Bernal M., Bolivar J., Mateo I., Salmi L.-R., Barsanti S., Berghmans L., Piznal E., Bourgueil Y., Marquez S., Gonzalez I., Carriazo A., Maros-Szabo Z., Menival S., European Journal of Public Heath, vol 24, n° 6, 2014/12, 980-990.
On oxfordjournals site


Strengthening weak primary care systems : Steps towards stronger primary care in selected Western and Eastern European countries.
Groenewegen P.P., Dourgnon P., Greß S., Jurgutis A., Willems S., Health Policy, vol 113, n°1-2, 2013/11, 170-179.
(Catégorie 2 - CNRS) - (Cat. A - Hcérès)
On ScienceDirect site


The strength of primary care in Europe : an international comparative study.
Kringos D., Boerma W., Bourgueil Y., Cartier T. et al. British Journal of General Practice, vol 63, n° 616, 2013/11, e742-e750.
On Ingentaconnect site


Can Foreign Health Assistance Reduce the Medical Brain Drain?
Moullan Y., The Journal of Development Studies, 2013, 1-17, on line 18/06/2013
On Taylor Francis Online site


Management of the care process.
Garms-Homolovà V., Genet N., Hutchinson A., Naiditch M. et al. In Home care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M. et al. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 27. Copenhague : OMS Bureau régional de l'Europe, 2012, 71-104.
On EuroWho site


Clients in focus.
Garms-Homolovà V., Naiditch M., Fagerström C. et al. In Home care across Europe. Current structure and future challenges. Genet N., Boerma W., Kroneman M. et al. (Eds), Observatory Studies Series ; 27. Copenhague : OMS Bureau régional de l'Europe, 2012, 55-70.
On EuroWho site


Is perceived social distance between the patient and the general practitioner related to their disagreement on patient's health status?
Schiebera A.-C., Kelly-Irvinga M., Delpierrea C., Lepagea B., Bensafia A., Afrite A., Pascal J., Cases C., Lombrail P., Lang T., Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 91, Issue 1, 2013/04, 97-104.
On ScienceDirect site


Advancing primary care in France and the United States : parallel opportunities and barriers.
Ricketts T., Naiditch M., Bourgueil Y. Journal of primary care & community health, on line 2012/02/02, 1-5.
On Sage Journals site


Ethical issues raised by the introduction of payment for performance in France.
Saint-Lary O., Plu I., Naiditch M. Journal of medical ethics, on line 2012/04/06, 1-7.
On BMJ site


Economic evaluation in patient safety : a literature review of methods.
Alves de Rezende B., Or Z., Com-Ruelle L., Michel P. BMJ Quality & Safety, on line 2012/03/06, 1-9.
On BMJ site


Effect of a French experiment of team work between general practitioners and nurses on efficacy and cost of type 2 diabetes patients care.
Mousquès J., Bourgueil Y., Le Fur P., Yilmaz E., Health Policy, vol 98, n°2-3, 2010/12, 131-143.
On Health Policy site


European primary care monitor : structure, process and outcome indicators.
Kringos D.S., Boerma W.G.W, Bourgueil Y., Cartier T., Hasvold T., Hutchinson A., Lember M., Oleszczyk M., Rotar Pavlic D., Svab I., Tedeschi P., Wilson A., Windak A., Dedeu T., Wilm S., BMC Family Practice, vol.11, 2010/10, 1-8.
On site BMC site

Effect of a French Experiment of Team Work between General Practitioners and Nurses on Efficacy and Cost of Type 2 Diabetes Patients Care
Mousquès J., Bourgueil Y., Le Fur P., Yilmaz E.
Working paper n° 29. 2010/01


Are health problems systemic? Politics of access and choice under Beveridge and Bismarck systems.
Or Z., Cases C., Lisac M., Vrangbæk K., Winblad U. and Bevan G., Health Economics, Policy and Law, 1-25.
On Cambrige University Press site


The preferred doctor scheme : A political reading of a French experiment of Gate-keeping, Dourgnon P., Naiditch M., Health Policy, in press, 2009/10, 1-6
On Science Direct site

The preferred doctor scheme: A political reading of a French experiment of Gate-keeping.
Naïditch M. (Denis Diderot University, Irdes), Dourgnon P. (Irdes)
Working paper n° 22, 2009/03


Changing regional health governance in France.
Or Z., Eurohealth, vol. 14, n°4, 2008, pp. 7-8
On LSE site

The 2006 Health, Health Care and Insurance Survey, a Panel for Health Policies Analysis, Public Health and Health Economics Research.
Allonier C., Dourgnon P., Rochereau T.
Issues in Health Economics (Questions d'économie de la santé) n° 131. 2008/04.


Can physician gate-keeping and patient choice be reconciled in France ? Analysis of recent reform.
Com-Ruelle L., Dourgnon P., Paris V., Eurohealth, 2006, vol.12, n°1, 17-19.
On LSE site


Medicine, landscapes, symbols: « The country Doctor » by Honoré de Balzac. Curtis S., Tonnellier F., Health & Place, 2005, vol.11, 313-321.
On ncbi site


France : Toward a nursing care plan for the disabled. Midy F., In: Health Policy Developments : International Trends and Analyses, n° 1, 2003, pp. 48-50.


The Influence of Physician-Payment Methods on the Efficiency of the Health CareSystem. Grignon M., Paris V., Polton D., with the co-operation of Couffinhal A., Pierrard B., In : Changing Health Care in Canada. The Romanow Papers, Volume II, 2003/03, pp.207-239.
On the Health Canada site